The October Second Thursday pre-school program was all about safety and emergency vehicles.
We were fortunate to have a police unit with Officer Daniels to talk about the police vehicle and Jimmy, a DOT worker, brought a DOT bucket truck that is used to fix street lights and traffic lights. Jeff was in charge of the talking about the vehicle station. Our historic fire trucks represented the safety vehicle for the fire department.
Our game of the day had preschoolers putting out fires by shooting down flaming cups ( Don’t panic- paper cups with paper flames taped to them and water guns as fire hoses.)
The activity was just that — very active station — where Mike taught the attendees how to be safe when crossing the tracks and streets. They learned how to crawl on the ground in a fire and yell ” Call 911″. The children also learned how to STOP, DROP, and ROLL if their clothes should catch on fire.
Sarah, from the library, entertained the pre-schoolers with stories about emergency vehicles and she led songs related to the vehicles.
During craft time, the children made dalmatians like the ones on the historic fire wagon. The pups were made from cups with lots of spots and googly eyes that were just the right size. Black noses and smiles were added too to make the perfect Dalmatian Creation!
All the participants had a rolling good time with the activity, a watery blast at games, a howling fun time at craft, and an exciting experience listening to emergency vehicle stories during storytime.
November’s transportation item will be construction vehicles. Come join the fun as the pre-schoolers learn about what vehicles are used in construction.
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