We are proud to collaborate with a diverse network of partners who share our passion for preserving history and celebrating the legacy of rail transportation. From corporate sponsors and community organizations to historical societies and industry leaders, our partners play a vital role in supporting our mission. Their contributions help us maintain exhibits, expand educational programs, and create unforgettable experiences for visitors of all ages. Explore our valued partners and discover how they help keep history on track!
The Gwinnett Creativity Fund generously supported the Beebe & Clegg exhibit from the Center for Railroad Art & Photography in the Fall of 2024. Additional support will help us complete an artistic scene within our track construction exhibit in Building One. We wouldn’t be the same with the support of the
Gwinnett Creativity Fund. Thank you!
The Museum is one of ten statewide historic places receiving attention from the Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation. Their Places in Peril program “seeks to identify and preserve historic sites threatened by demolition, neglect, lack of maintenance, inappropriate development or insensitive public policy.
The list raises awareness about Georgia’s significant historic, archaeological and cultural resources, including buildings, structures, districts, archaeological sites and cultural landscapes. For more information and how to help contact: execdirector@train-museum.com
GAM is a statewide organization dedicated to serving a diverse membership in a way that establishes a responsive network, provides a resource base and promotes professionalism so that Georgia’s museum community is strong, effective, and proactive.
The DBA exists to provide an open networking opportunity in a unique and relaxed environment; inviting business owners to interact socially while building relationships that will utimately impact our economic development and improve the Duluth Community.
The Gwinnett Chamber represents more than 2,200 companies, offers significant member discounts and presents a unified voice in matters of public policy. In addition, the Chamber provides opportunities for like-minded business people to connect with one another and expand their business network and increase the exposure of their business.
HeritageRail Alliance fosters these unique preservation efforts through education, research, and the free exchange of information among members and working industry professionals.
Railway museums and tourist railroads interpret this exciting and pivotal history, and provide an opportunity for the public to experience rail travel as it once was.
The American Alliance of Museums (AAM) is the only organization representing the entire museum field, from art and history museums to science centers and zoos. They have been championing museums through advocacy and providing museum professionals with the resources, knowledge, inspiration, and connections they need to move the field forward.
The Atlanta Chapter of the National Railway Historical Society (NRHS) is a chapter dedicated to preserving, restoring, and operating historic railway equipment, and interpreting its history.
This campaign was launched to help provide long term funding of the Mission of the Southeastern Railway Museum. As of February of 2023, we have received 84 pledges totaling $876,772 representing 88% of our campaign goal! We could use your help if you are able to participate to help us cross our finish line of $1 Million plus campaign expenses.
We appreciate our business sponsors and have highlighted many of them below.
(c) 2019-2025 Southeastern Railway Museum.