The Southeastern Railway Museum is excited for the return of our Summer Camp which will feature STREAMLINERS in 2022.
Children 5-12 years old will get the chance to learn about, and see up close, streamline locomotives and railcars that were all the rage in the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s.
Camp includes train rides and lots of fun with arts and crafts, activities, games, lessons, and more! This year camp will be held at our new Education Center located on site which includes indoor classrooms, an outdoor classroom, and picnic area on our 35-acrea museum.
Camp fees include a camp T-shirt and a daily snack.
Registration fees:
March 1 – April 30 – $225
May 1 – June 15 – $245
June 16 – June 19 – $265
(c) 2019-2025 Southeastern Railway Museum.