Take one or more fun rides in a Maintenance of Way classic – the Track Speeder. What in the world? A speeder (section car, putt-putt, railway motor car, track-maintenance car, quad, inspection car) is a little self-powered railcar used by inspectors and work crews. It got its name because it was faster than a handcar.
As a benefit for the museum, we ask $4 a person per ride, 5 and older. Ride tickets will be available at the ticket office and in the gift shop.
Regular museum hours (Fri/Sat 10a-5p, Sun 12-5p) and admission applies and includes a choice of our normal train rides. Speeders are additional. Bring a picnic. This is a great chance to get a little closer to the rails and “speed” around the museum. And – it’s a great photo op for you and your family.
(c) 2019-2025 Southeastern Railway Museum.